
Life (I.E. Food and Anime)

Fuwa Fuwa Car Time. I don’t know. — June 18, 2015

Fuwa Fuwa Car Time. I don’t know.

Well, that's, err, nice then Rilakkuma.

So it’s been a while since my last post. Blogs take a lot of time. Then I had finals week, and then I had to help film graduation, and then I slept a lot, and then I watched some anime. Hell I’d probably be doing something else right now but I had to go take my car in for a recalled part. So now I’m stuck in Gardena for 3 hours (well, now 2 hours). So what’s been going on?


Well I finished Love Live! and I finished Shirobako. Both were great. Love Live!’s ending was pretty emotional and whatnot, especially that beach episode and the episodes leading up to the finale. Shirobako had a good ending, not nearly emotional though. Still, both were really good series, I think I liked Shirobako more, because it was really informative and interesting.


Then I started K-ON! the other week. I just finished season 1, and I’m about to start season 2. So far I’d say it’s better than Love Live!, it’s so much fun. It’s like Love Live!, but what if they didn’t actually practice and just screwed around the entire time and were magically great. It’s super adorable. Mio is obviously the best character, but really they’re all good characters.


A show I just started yesterday is Kiniro Mosaic, this show is just all around kawaii for lack of a better word. It’s so much fun and so innocent and funny. The only bad part of the show is when anyone speaks English. Sometimes it’s passable, but if the character is supposed to be fluent or an English dominant character, then come on… oh well. The show is still super kawaii.


And a show I started last night is Higurashi: When They Cry. I’m only 6 episodes in, but I love it. It’s so creepy. I loved Another too, if anyone has any other suggestions like Another or Higurashi I’m listening. I started the first episode a month or two ago and it seemed boring so I just went to a different show. I’m glad I’m giving it another chance. I’m not going to say anything else about it or Another to avoid spoiling it. But if you liked it and you haven’t seen Another, check it out, and vice versa. I finally got around to watching the OVA for Another last night as well. Man I loved the soundtrack and the atmosphere and mood of the whole anime. It was great.


Bonus pictures


Pretty much Onodera: the post — May 23, 2015

Pretty much Onodera: the post


Anime keeps throwing me off. In Nisekoi last week it was Valentine’s Day, the episode before it was Christmas, in Kekkai Sensen last week it’s almost Halloween. In Re-Kan! it was  New Year’s and the upcoming episode is Valentine’s Day. What is happening? Can you really just ignore the time in reality and just make any type of episode you want? It’d be alright if they were all in on it so we could have some sort of consistency.


I can’t get over that Valentine’s Day episode of Nisekoi though, and that episode of Plastic Memories was really great too. But so was this weeks. So much Onodera, it was fantastic, not just her but Chitoge, Tachibana, Tsugumi, everyone was completely adorable the entire episode. You wouldn’t mind if I posted more pictures of Onodera would you?


I didn’t think so.


Last one, I swear.


Honorable mention to Chitoge.


All I have to say about Kekkai Sensen is nothing I haven’t said before. It continues to be funny and intriguing. The background art is fantastic. I love that type of feel. It reminds me of that old PC game Hellgate London and Hellgate London had awesome atmosphere and background art as well. The music is fantastic as well. So glad the long version of the ED finally dropped the other day. I haven’t been able to stop listening to it. I’ll drop the link down below when I get back home. The whole ending sequence is fantastic and completely catching. Also is Chain the best character or the best character? What ever happened to the diner girl by the way? Leo finds a sick girl in the hospital and then he finds a walking mushroom and he just stops going to the diner and forgets about her.


I’ll make a part two for the other shows during my break. Off to work!

Got my ticket for Anime Expo ’15! — May 13, 2015

Got my ticket for Anime Expo ’15!


Last post of the night. I bought my ticket for Anime Expo 2015. This will be my first time at Anime Expo and my first time going to any type of convention or expo. Pretty excited to see how it is. I got a 4 day pass and requested off of work for each day, which was approved. Will I be cosplaying? No. I’m not that far in yet. That and I’m not creative enough to put something together, or confident enough to walk around in a costume.

I wonder if it tastes like money too —

I wonder if it tastes like money too


So I was cat sitting for my coworker for a few days. Which means I just watched Shirobako and ate the entire time while these cats sat next to me and while my allergies attacked me.


This cat didn’t really like Shirobako, but it was a little bipolar. It bit my finger and then sat next to me and started purring. Then went down and looked at me like this for 10 minutes straight.


So I finally went to this pretty well known donut shop named California Donuts. As that’s the proper way to watch Shirobako, by eating donuts. It was nearby and well reviewed. I got a Boston cream donut, a green tea one, and a blueberry cinnamon toast crunch one. Unfortunately, I only got to eat the Boston cream donut. My friend got back. It was 4am. It was awkward. She told me I could stay, and insisted, but I declined. I’m not good around people so I told her I got donuts and she could have some and I ran out of there. So I’ll have to go get more one of these days.


For lunch I went to Haus by Coffee Hunter. I’ve always wanted to go here, as it’s popular and well reviewed on Yelp. I constantly find myself looking at its Yelp page. As it’s popular though, it’s always packed. Seeing how I’m mostly a solo diner, it’s awkward to go to busy places alone and hope there’s room for one (I will do it on occasion and depending on my willpower though). I’d never been by during the afternoon and it was pretty dead so I took this as fate. I had donkatsu, which was alright. Not worth mentioning. The dessert on the other hand was really good. It was some sort of raspberry mousse sponge cake. I wish I would have ordered two more desserts instead of the donkatsu. I’ve learned from my mistake. Next time I go I’ll just order desserts and coffee.


Then they had these stupid buttons. You use these buttons to ask for your bill, call your server, or cancel the last beep you sent out. It made me feel pushy. They were completely awkward, so much more than those machines at Chili’s.


They also had $20 coffee, which I would have ordered, had my bill not already been at $30. Next time. Instead I stuck with my misugaru slush. I love misugaru so much. I need to try this blue lemonade drink I keep seeing across different cafes in KTown. I asked what it was once and they told me “it’s like lemonade, but blue”. They’re probably right.


Oh, right! This blog is about anime too. Here, have a Shirobako GIF I made. I really like the show, but it makes me feel uncomfortable that Aoi is the only one who is doing well. Ema had that whole drawing crisis thing where she couldn’t draw cats. Shizuka hasn’t actually done any voice acting yet, as far in as I am. Misa hates making CG tires all day. Midori just reads and sleeps all day, or at least that’s all we see her do. Aoi actually is doing stuff and seems content and capable. So it gives me this sort of second hand guilt. Like the others feel inferior or inept. I love the show though.


Bonus cat picture.

The flavor of those tentacles… —

The flavor of those tentacles…


So I watched the latest episode of Re-Kan! Well that was a tad bit depressing. Also, it’s yet another anime in which it is currently Christmas. Am I missing something? Anyways, I’m glad Amami is back to normal.


I couldn’t deal with that hairstyle. Or the attitude for that matter. Although it was adorable how excited Amami was at the beginning of the episode to go check out the shopping sales with the group of old ladies. And it was nice to see a happy ending for Uehara, that was a bit of a depressing episode for her. Even if she pretended it didn’t affect her. All the characters in this show are so caring and emotional.


Plastic Memories was great as always. Good to see Isla doing okay, other than her lifespan running out…But that’s another feel for a different time. It was a bit sad to see her so sad about not being able to do anything for Tsukasa, and Tsukasa having to shoot the Giftia himself. And then seeing how bad she felt about Kazuki’s leg was really depressing too.


The whole plot of her being in love with and stalking Tsukasa this episode was great and really light hearted. And seeing how she’s starting to open up to him more and be more social with him at home is nice too.


Dawww. The amount of times she smiled this episode is completely okay by me. I guess she was feeling self conscious the entire time about being incompetent due to the leg incident. All she needed was to hear how much Tsukasa wants to stay with her.


Bonus picture from an old episode of Shokugeki No Soma.

I want another episode of Nisekoi. Now. — May 9, 2015

I want another episode of Nisekoi. Now.


Okay, so it’s been a little while since I’ve posted. Life caught up with me. I had to shoot, edit, and turn in a project for cinema class. I had to get a mother’s day gift, I had to meet my coworker so she could give me her keys so I could catsit for her, and I had music club. Now I’ve got to worry about my next project for cinema, these cats, sending the gift, and apparently as I just found out a recital for music club. Yep. I join the club, they ask me what I know about them. I say I don’t know anything about it. They start teaching me violin. Two weeks later, they ask me if I’m excited. Excited for what? For the recital in 2-3 weeks of course! Wait, what? Yeah. Oh well.


Okay, today’s episode of Nisekoi was great. Tachibana sly as ever. Her persistence and cunning almost make her an acceptable choice. But did her plan begin all the way at the beginning or did she really score low on the first test? I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d planned it.


And what’s up with Onodera scoring so low? She seems like the type who would get good grades. I mean sure, she’s far better off than Tachibana, but an 88? Even Raku ranked 20 above her.


As for DanMachi…don’t get me wrong, I like DanMachi. It reminds me of the first season of Sword Art Online. I like that. Hestia? Sure, she’s probably good waifu material. The show is fun, adventurous, and funny. But an entire episode dedicated to Lili? Please, no. I wasn’t too fond of her to begin with. After an entire episode of her? I’m even less thrilled. And no probably evil conspiring Syr this episode? I like her. Syr, the waitress is probably the best girl in the show so far. Eina is pretty alright herself. Then Aiz? I’m about completely uninterested in her. She’s boring.


The episode of DanMachi was so unwanted by me, that I have no screenshots of it to post so I’m just posting more Nisekoi screenshots. Unfortunately if I recall correctly, next week is an episode dedicated to Aiz, so just my luck. Two bad episodes in a row of DanMachi. I’ll probably post about Re-Kan! in a bit once I get home.


Here, have a bonus GIF I made. Do GIFs work here? Guess so.

Anime is life — May 3, 2015

Anime is life

This is not the perverted cat.

There are two things I look forward to each week. Friday nights after I get off work I can go home and download the latest episode of Re-Kan! It’s such a fun, lighthearted show that doesn’t take anything seriously. It’s just a good time for 23 minutes. Hibiki Amami can see and interact with ghosts and spirits. She’s the nicest person ever who helps out and befriends spirits and talks with them and buys them offerings. In turn they usually help her out and do random stuff like open doors for her or answer for her during class. Oh and by the way, she can also hear and talk to cats. Which comes in handy because this show even has a perverted cat that’s always trying to run by and look up skirts.


The second thing I look forward to each week is after falling asleep after watching Re-Kan! I can wake up and download and watch Plastic Memories. Plastic Memories is definitely my favorite show of the season. It’s funny, sad, and even gets a little futuristic.

Not Isla

Basically it’s about Tsukasa, the new member of a team which is tasked with negotiating and retrieving Giftias (humanistic androids with emotions that are sold to people to fill whatever void, parents, siblings, etc) before they lose their memories and personalities and go crazy and start hurting people with their super strength and agility.


One of the highlights, okay the biggest highlight, of Plastic Memories is Isla and her expressions…actually her character in general. She’s just great. Waifu of the season material. >having more than one waifu

Nisekoi is slipping — May 2, 2015

Nisekoi is slipping


This is how I feel on the inside, writing an imaginary angry letter to the creator of Nisekoi due to the lack of Onodera in the last episode and the, maybe, 20 seconds we got of her in the newest episode.


No Onodera, it’s just you feeling the cold hearted nature of the writers. And you always will, despite being the best girl. Chitoge will most likely be the victor in the end. Tsugumi is even a better choice than Chitoge.  By the way, this was a new episode, so was last week’s. May just started. Why is it Christmas in Nisekoi? It’s requiring a lot of suspension of disbelief.


And Carne Asada fries for dinner again, yeah! The best thing about LA is the food and the availability of it. Taco trucks all over the place, and really good too. This one is literally on the next street over every night until like 2 or 3am.

Don-Don-Donuts, let’s go nuts! — May 1, 2015

Don-Don-Donuts, let’s go nuts!


Okay, I know I say this every time they make a new one or a seasonal one comes back, but for now the Smores Frappuccino at Starbucks is GOAT. It’s got marshmallow creme and graham cracker crumble, that alone should be enough. I love marshmallow.


Anyways, I started a new anime last night. Shirobako. Why? Because I’m about to start Love Live! Season 2 and I’ve got series ending anxiety. When that happens I usually tend to procrastinate dealing with my feelings by starting new series or just not finishing that one. Shirobako is pretty cool so far. I like it when anime shows do that sort of breaking the fourth wall thing and are about characters who make anime like Saekano or The Comic Artist And Assistants. On a side note, I’d like to meet the people who come up with lines of dialogue or phrases like this. What were they thinking? What does it even mean?